Folks ask, "What do we do at Forefront"? The answer is simple yet complex, we build, we manage, we protect, to ultimately transition the wealth for our select group of clients, their families and businesses.
Our process always begins by us listening. We learn about their current situation, their past experiences, and what they want for their future. We strive to understand.
Then we go to work. We study, test, analyze, and model strategies to meet their needs. Our solutions are built on the four cornerstones of wealth management:
When our work is complete, we present our findings in plain English with little technical jargon. Then with our client's permission, we will implement their plans, always in an independent, objective and cost-effective manner. We then monitor and evaluate the plan. We make adjustments when there are material changes in the markets, tax laws, or when there are major changes in the lives of our clients, their families, or businesses.
We are at the Forefront and fully prepared serve. Eileen, Don, Lisa, Sasha, and Carl, have accumulated wisdom, judgment, and training of over 80 years of combined service.
Carl, a Temple University graduate, earned degrees in Finance and Economics, Today he serves as Forefront's chief investment officer; He earned and maintains advanced training and certifications as a financial manager, retirement counselor, and market technician.
So, now you can see we get a little carried away when asked about all we do at Forefront.
Our time tested process starts by listening, and we'll prove it to you. Please tell us about your situation and we can focus on what is most important to you. Let's schedule a conversation.
Carl is a Registered Investment Advisor and principal owner of Forefront Wealth Management, Inc. He maintains the State Law 63, and Uniform Investment Adviser series 65, and has his state insurance licenses for PA, NY, NJ, FL, CA, and CO.